Summer 2023 UPDATES
The Lake City Floodplain Park project site, as seen from NE 125th Street, after mulching.
Creek and Park Design
The project is finalizing options analysis and kicking off the design phase. Mid Sound and the City have begun scoping for the next design stages of the project. We will provide design updates to the community before the end of the year, details forthcoming.
Regarding the Naming Process, SPR is in the process of developing a new naming policy and we are awaiting approval before we work on the naming of this park. The timeline is unknown, but will be announced once the policy is finalized.
Existing and Planned Site Work/Restoration Activities
The project team is working with SPR’s Green Seattle Partnership to develop a plan for temporary seeding and non-desirable species removal on the site prior to construction. This will offer habitat and food sources for pollinators and other insects and animals, as well as help maintain the site preparation work completed this spring. A photo of the site shows the spring mulch remains successful in weed suppression and erosion prevention, however blackberry is identified as an undesirable species on the southeastern corner of the site.
The project sign, which has been vandalized by graffiti, has begun to be cleaned. Graffiti remover was tested for its effectiveness with much success. More graffiti remover has been ordered to finish and maintain the cleaning of the sign.
SDOT plans to remove several street trees along the frontage of the property. SDOT identified the trees as over 50% dead and plans to remove and replace the trees, as seen in the photograph below. For questions, please contact SDOT’s Urban Forestry team, DOT_SeattleTrees at
Trees along NE 125th Street as seen from inside the project site.
NE 125th St Corridor Improvements
SDOT’s outreach efforts for the NE 130th St/ NE 125th Corridor Improvements Project associated with the Sound Transit Lightrail Station continue with SPR and SPU, including further developing considerations for site access. Public outreach efforts are beginning for SDOT’s Project, which identifies street improvements adjacent to the future park. More information can be found on the projects webpage.